
SnD Reverser Tool 1.4 Final
Author: Loki & PuNkDuDe
Current version: 1.4 Final

A crypto utility tool, with many features.

Hashes include:
+ Adler32
+ Crc16, Crc32, Crc32b, Crc16ccitt
+ Panama
+ MD2, MD4, MD5
+ SHA0, SHA1,SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
+ Tiger
+ Whirlpool
+ HAVAL 128/160/192/240/256 with 3/4/5 rounds

+ Blowfish
+ Twofish
+ RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6
+ TEA, xTEA, xxTEA
+ UUCode & XXCode
+ AES/Rijndael
+ Cast128, Cast256
+ DES, Triple DES, DESNew
+ Mars
+ Skipjack

Base Conversions include:
+ Base2(Binary)
+ Base10(Decimal)
+ Base16(Hexadecimal)
+ Base32
+ Base64
+ hex input to Base32
+ hex input to Base64

Other Functions:
+ URLEncode and URLDecode
+ Reverse String
+ Uppercase
+ Lowercase
+ String ROT
+ String XOR
+ Caesar Bruteforce

Misc Tools:
+ PE File Crypto Scanner
+ Disabled Control
+ Flexible Hash Bruteforcer
+ Memo Tool (to keep track of current workings)
+ 512bit Calculator
+ Hash modification for hashes with dword sized initialisation vectors.


02.05.08 : SND Reverser Tool 1.4 Final : Public Release
+ CRC16ccitt (Thanks UFO-Pu55y)
+ GOST Hash (Thanks UFO-Pu55y)
+ Panama Hash (Thanks UFO-Pu55y)
+ SNEFRU 128/256 Hashes (4/8 Rounds) (Thanks UFO-Pu55y)
+ URLEncode and URLDecode
+ Cleaned up the options menu
+ Autostrip spaces from input
+ Autostrip non hex chars from input
+ Autostrip non alpha numeric chars from input
+ Read Input as Hex
+ Read Key as Hex
+ Display Output as Hex
+ Display Output in Uppercase
+ Display Output if Unicode (thanks Sub Zer0)
+ Deep Red Colour Scheme
* thanks to syk071c who reported and then fixed a bug in the Blowfish encryption.
* fixed a further issue with Blowfish only encrypting/decrypting the first block of data.
* fixed crash with UUDecode when entering a single byte (thanks UFO-Pu55y).
* fixed crash in 512bit calculator when trying to bswap an empty input (thanks HVC)
* changed bruteforcer status field from DISABLED to READONLY to allow copying of solution (thanks ChupaChu)
+ updated the crypto scanner tool to use updated signatures and engine as in the Olly/Immunity Plugins.
+ added "Export to .txt" and "Export as IDC" options to the crypto scanner (thanks HVC)
(and also thanks to kanal's writers whom the idea is obviously taken from)
* fixed minor cosmetic bugs in the crypto scanner (thanks HVC)
+ added ADLER32 initialisation vector to the hash modification tool.
+ added CRC16 initialisation vector to the hash modification tool.
+ added CRC16ccitt initialisation vector to the hash modification tool.
+ added CRC32 initialisation vector to the hash modification tool.
+ added CRC32b initialisation vector to the hash modification tool.
+ added GOST hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool.
+ added HAVAL hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool.
+ added PANAMA hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool.
+ added SHA384 hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool (implemented as 32bit vectors).
+ added SHA512hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool (implemented as 32bit vectors).
+ added SNEFRU hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool.
+ added TIGER hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool (implemented as 32bit vectors).
+ added WHIRLPOOL hash initialisation vectors to the hash modification tool (implemented as 32bit vectors).
+ added GOST to the hash brute force tool.
+ added PANAMA to the hash brute force tool.
+ added RIPEMD320 to the hash brute force tool.
+ added SHA384 to the hash brute force tool.
+ added SHA512 to the hash brute force tool.
+ added TIGER to the hash brute force tool.
+ added WHIRLPOOL to the hash brute force tool.

14.03.08 : SND Reverser Tool 1.4beta2 : Public Release
New Functions:
+ Panama Hash (Thanks UFO-Pu55y)
+ GOST Hash (Thanks UFO-Pu55y)
* thanks to syk071c who reported and then fixed a bug in the Blowfish encryption.
* fixed crash with UUDecode when entering a single byte (thanks UFO-Pu55y for the report).
* fixed crash in 512bit calculator when trying to bswap an empty input.

18.01.08 : SND Reverser Tool 1.3 : Public Release
* minor bug fixes for the public build.

17.01.2008 : SND Reverser Tool 1.2.2 : Private Release
New Tools:
+ Improved Flexible Hash Bruteforcer
+ Added basic hash modification code for hashes with dword sized initialisation vectors. Others may
follow later if we get requests to include them.

11.01.2008 : SND Reverser Tool 1.2.1 : Private Release
New Tools:
+ Flexible Hash Bruteforcer

20.09.2007 : SND Reverser Tool 1.2 : Public Release
New Tools:
+ Memo Tool (to keep track of current workings)
+ 512bit Calculator

06.09.2007 : SND Reverser Tool 1.1 : Public Release
* Removed alpha blend option to enable the tool on Win98

29.08.2007 : SND Reverser Tool 1.0 : Public Release
+ minimise to tray option
+ minor GUI changes and fixes

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